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Why plants don't grow up?

Some argue that it is a problem of light color (Indoor), others that light is poor or even soil watered too often and so on.

The cause of the growth block of your plants can be the following:


For chlorophyll photosynthesis to take place, a function that allows the plant to grow, a lot of light is needed. If the plant doesn’t get enough, it either doesn’t grow, or it stretches in search of light, weakening drastically. The perfect light for growth is cold light, the leaves are able to better absorb this range of colors, the perfect gradation is 6400K, nothing unobtainable or sophisticated, is the classic cold light for our luck. Another important element is the unsuitable temperature that we can solve by increasing the number of light bulbs or watts.


For newly born plants, the temperature can range from 19 to 27 C. Adult plants, as they are stronger, can withstand temperature changes. In fact, a temperature that varies around 13-14C impedes the process of photosynthesis . In fact, the plants , at a drop in excessive temperature ( below 5 º) show a yellowing of the leaves that will be averted if brought immediately in a warm environment. A variety of chili that has a great resistance to cold is the Rocoto Red, commonly called cherry pepper or kiss of satan. This can be found in shops in oil, stuffed with anchovies and tuna.


For the germination of the seeds it is advisable to find a humid place, whilst for the growth ( vegetative phase ), on the contrary, a place with little humidity is preferable.

In any case the determining factors are light and temperature , with regard to humidity you can rest assured.


The soil must be of good quality because nutrition is very important.  When the loam is full of nourishments the leaves appear immediately of bright green colour, rigorous, robust and resistant stems otherwise they are pale and weak.


At times, especially in the initial state , their growth is slow, but immediately after the second layer of leaves has grown it begins to speed up. To accelerate growth you can use lamps with more lumens but only if they are in an indoor environment , they are not recommended for outdoor use.


Chili does not require much water, only when it is small the earth must be kept humid but not too much.

Surely water stagnations must be avoided.


In order to invade the seeds it is better to put a seed for each container so as to avoid, at the moment of repotting, that the roots of the small plants do not intertwine. It’s important to keep the root with a little bit of ground attached so it doesn’t cause the seedling to suffer.

These indications are referred to plants ranging from 1 to 3 months of life.

Calcium nitrate for recovery

For the resumption of the seedlings it is recommended the administration of a dose of calcium nitrate to help stressed plants to increase the growth rate and to overcome any stress situations.