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When can you plant chilli seeds?

As already mentioned, the best period for germinating chilli seeds is in early March. Attention, outdoor temperatures could still fall below zero, which can kill the seedlings within a few hours. In this case, it is necessary to keep them "in the incubator" that we will speak about later until the beautiful spring days arrive and the temperature is at least 10-15 degrees at night. A guide that can help you with the germination is the following: sow chillies with the paper towel method.

To ensure germination, simply keep them in a warm place, for example, in a small cupboard with a light that raises the temperature. For germination, you have to keep the temperature at about 25 degrees. If the temperature rises or falls a few degrees it's not a problem, the important thing is to not allow the seeds to undergo drastic temperature changes in the bud phase. There are various germinators suitable for this purpose, but for those who love do-it-yourself, we advise building it with recycled materials.

The most critical phase is the initial bud. If the plant has taken root in the soil or the paper well, developing beautiful green leaves, it is possible to keep them inside the house near a window. It does not need high temperatures but does have a strong need for light. Choose the sunniest window you have at home in order to stimulate photosynthesis which in turn stimulates the growth of the plant itself.

Another precaution to take is the transfer from the initial sprout to the pot (earth). You do not have to tear off the germinated seedlings gently divide the root and insert them in the hole you have previously made in the soil with a small nail or with another small object.

At the time of sowing, however, it is necessary to prevent the soil or wadding from drying out completely. Be very careful because if the surface gets dry there is a risk that the small sprout that is growing in the seed dies before it is born. When the plant has developed the first leaves, it becomes much more resistant and should not be watered too much. It is absolutely necessary to avoid stagnation of water and water only when the earth on the surface is dry. Stagnant water can also be caused by the lack of holes under the glasses or container that you will use, so if you use containers found in the cellar you need to drill holes in them. If you use a simple jar, you do not need to do anything because they already have holes.

For better drainage and avoiding stagnation, I recommend placing a large-grained material or clay in the bottom of the pot, which causes the water to drain quickly. You can consult the following guide: preparing the soil for chillies to get more information about the soil suitable for growing chilli plants.

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