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Wilbur Lincoln Scoville


Wilbur Lincoln Scoville was a US chemist born in Bridgeport, Connecticut (1865 - 1942)

Initially, he was a professor at Massachusetts College in Health Sciences and Pharmacy.

During his lifetime, he won the Albert Award from the American Pharmaceutical Association.

In 1929, he received the Remington Honor Medal.

Scoville also received an honorary Doctorate of Science from Columbia University in 1929.  

He is known for having conceived and created the SOT (Scoville Organoleptic Test) in 1912, the first test to measure the level of spiciness that later led to the conception and realization of the Scoville Scale.

The abbreviation of the Scoville scale is SHU, from now on you will now be able to understand the level of spiciness of a chilli or a spicy sauce.

The Scoville scale allows you to classify all levels of spiciness, you can view it by accessing the following link: Scoville Scale updated.