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Recipe for hot sauce

If you wish to buy ready hot sauces made with our products, see the following link: hot sauces. You can order them and they will be shipped within 24 hours. 


  1. How to prepare hot sauce
  2. Ingredients
  3. Instructions
  4. Additional notes
  5. Videos

How to prepare hot sauce

For centuries, hot sauces have been used by populations all over the world.

Here we will guide you throught its recipe, however you can change the ingredients according to your taste; for example, if you want a super hot sauce you should pick the variety of chilli pepper you prefer the most. 

You could even prepare a sauce for the most demanding palates, by adding the pepper instead of the tomato and so on. With a bit of creativity you can get unique sauces which will wow friends and relatives. 


  • 400g tomato sauce (it is preferrable a sauce made by your own organic tomatoes)
  • Chilli peppers (the variety you prefer)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • half-onion
  • 2 spoons of vinegar
  • 1 spoon of salt


  1. Peel the garlic and cut it in little cubes
  2. Mince the onion
  3. Blend together garlic, onion, chilli peppers and tomato sauce
  4. Blend until having a smooth sauce
  5. Pour the sauce in a pan and cook on a low heat
  6. Cooking time can vary according to your taste. 
  7. Add salt and vinegar
  8. Filter the sauce and pour into glass jars to store it. 

Additional notes

Here is a tip if you want to store the sauce for years: pour the sauce into a glass jars, be sure you close it hermetically.  

Fill a pot with water, cook it on high heat; once it boils, put the jars in the boiling water for around 15 minutes.

This special technique is called pasteurisation and it is employed by sauce's industries, for any kind of sauce, not only for long-term conserves. 

When the jar will no longer be hot, it will be vacuum-packed, so molds and bacteria won't spread. 

Once opened, the jar will no longer be pasteurised and vacuum-packed so now you have to store it in the fridge and use it within about two weeks.
